Interchange Optimization

While there are several hundred Interchange charge-types, some can be optimized to insure you receive the best Interchange rates. The ability optimize Interchange can make a significant difference to your bottom-line, saving your company up to 1.15% on the Interchange fees!

Interchange rates as it relates to Visa® and Mastercard® Business, Corporate, Commercial, Fleet and Purchasing cards are based on different tiers or levels, respectively and are dependent upon the information of data submitted and passed back to the card Issuing bank either during authorization or before its settlement.

These tiers or levels are Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. Simply stated, transactions submitting the most information qualify at the highest level (Level 3) receiving the lowest Interchange rates while, transactions that do not meet their enhanced data level requirements are categorized at a lower tier resulting in higher processing costs.

Since Interchange is paid directly to the card Issuing banks, there is no incentive for a Merchant Service Provider to help you qualify for Level 2 or Level 3 Interchange rates. As your Merchant Account advocate, our team at APS Chicago will provide you the necessary technology and best practices to qualify for Level 2 and Level 3 Interchange while performing on-going management of your daily transaction insuring you qualify at the lowest Interchange rates.